Friday 2 December 2011

December Already?!

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE December!! On the 1st of December and I woke up with excited butterflies, from putting up my tree, watching Jake's Christmas performance at Stagecoach to listening to Christmas songs.... I LOVE it!

Giving the kids their advent calendars and seeing their happy little faces light up as they opened the first door to see what was hiding behind it was priceless.

The year has flown by, as always, and for me December is the time to reflect back over the last year. Anything that's been negative or hard to go through can be left behind. All the amazing moments and things that have happened can be remembered and cherished. It's also a time to look forward to the next year. Decide what goals you want to aim for, and look forward to events that you already have planned. December is a time to create good times with family and friends, eat loads and be so so thankful that we've made it through another year and are blessed!

I love Christmas shopping with all the decorations, Christmas music and festive spirit!

Check out my tree this year!

And Lucy trying to camp in it!

Some of the closest people in my life have their Birthdays in December. My Mom and Grandad on the same day, Ollie's little brother Charlie, Rosie, my auntie and of course Kacey Dew on the 30th! So its a time for birthday parties as well as Christmas parties!

The German market in town! Everybody loves the Christmas market. Last year Ollie and I went with our close friends Ally and Josh and it ended up being a really good random night out! Really looking forward to all the German beer and sausage this year. Although I'm sure the way they wash the glasses there is illegal.

I try to teach my children is that Christmas is a time for being thankful, cherishing loved ones and most importantly not just the receiving of presents but the giving to others.

One of my favourite episodes of Friends is when Phoebe tries to do a selfless act that doesn't make her feel good, so that it can be truly selfless. She struggles to find anything to do for someone else that doesn't make her happy. The lesson here is that when we give to others we will definitely feel good ourselves!

I don't mind saying I'm fairly money motivated. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't do anything for money like back stab or sell my kids (they are only available to rent!) but to me money is definitely an incentive for most of my ideas. But this December, this Christmas, I want to remember that some of the greatest gifts cost nothing. So everyday I'm going to 'give' to someone to help me remember what Christmas is really about for me.

2011 has been a year of change for me. A new house, an amazing holiday, and a change of career! I've watched my kids grow and change. Two of my closet friends have had babies. Friends have been moving house, reaching out for their dreams and settling down. Life is what you make it and this years been good. I know next years going to be even better. If you have hopes and dream for 2012 write them down, think on them and make them happen. Wish upon them and believe.

Let me know your thoughts about December and Christmas and the things you've been grateful for this year. What does December mean to you? Other than getting up 5 mins early to defrost the car in the morning!

Merry Christmas everyone :-)

Until next time,
lot's of love
Naomi Claire

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